In our blog you will learn everything you need to know about Digital Asset Management (DAM) and the benefits for companies and organisations that use a DAM system to manage their data.In today's digital environment, digital assets such as images, videos, audio files and other media content are an essential part of many businesses and organisations. But how can you ensure that all these assets are well organised and easily accessible when you need them? This is where DAM systems come in. A DAM system is a software solution that helps you effectively manage, store and share your digital assets.On this page, we introduce the features of DAM systems, we address the benefits and challenges, and we share with you some proven best practices for implementing DAM systems. Read on to learn how to manage your digital assets in the best possible way!

LAGO DAM verkürzt Time to Market in der Industrie Branche

Reduce time to market in the manufacturing industry with DAM

Is a slow product development lifecycle getting in the way of your ability to corner the market? Time to Market (TTM) is a pivotal success factor in the manufacturing industry, particularly when developing new products.

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Top 10 Dam Practices

The Top 10 DAM Best Practices: Organizing The Chaos

10 best DAM practises: Implementing a DAM system can help organize your business processes.

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4 Ways Product Info Data Might Not Serve You or Customers

How to prevent 4 common errors in your product information

Product information data should help you understand and locate all the products in your "catalog". Ideally, this means that everyone in your team and all your third-party partners can access the same information at the same time.

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The 7 Most Important Practices for Managing Your Digital Assets

By many accounts, it can be difficult for teams to find what they need quickly and efficiently, even from within their organization. In fact, 26 percent of workers between the ages of 35 and 44 spend up to 5 hours each day looking for the data, assets, or information they need to do their job. Even with an intuitive digital asset management (DAM) system, finding the assets you need can be challenging without smart practices.

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How Do You Know If You Need DAM System

How Do You Know If You Need A DAM System?

There are many digital asset management systems available today.
To pick the right one, you must understand your pain points and your organization’s requirements.

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Business meeting

3 Reasons why brand consistency is essential & how DAM helps

Here’s the exciting thing about brand consistency: It pays off. In fact, it can increase revenue anywhere between 10 and 20 percent. Brand consistency is about providing your customers with the same experience and impression of who you are as a company when they interact with you, no matter the marketing avenue or communication channel.

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Drei Personen stehen zusammen an einem Schreibtisch und schauen auf ein Dokument

5 Retail printing trends you can expect to see in 2024

Those claiming that the power of print is waning need only look at the numbers to see how far this is from the truth. Print media is one of the most trusted media channels among consumers, who reportedly trust newspapers and magazines to help make a purchase more than any other type of advertising. In fact, 82 percent of Americans rely on newspaper and magazine advertising as a reliable source.

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Improved interface, streamlined features and proven workflows: LAGO TANA – Explore a whole new version of LAGO!
With this release Comosoft enters a new era of LAGO versions – Beginning with the name Tana and a new LAGO logo. If you ever happened to have an encounter with a manta ray, our new logo mascot, you met one of the most calm and majestic animals on the planet. The version name Tana refers to the biggest lake in Ethiopia, which is the water mouth of the Blue Nile, and the surrounding prolific reserve.

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4 Personen stehen an einem Schreibtisch vor einen Laptop und unterhalten sich

2024 Marketing predictions for retailers

As retailers celebrate the end of the holiday shopping season and anxiously plan for the new year, one subject is on everyone’s mind: data. There’s so much of it, so decision-makers must ask some hard questions in 2024. Is our data managed as a “single source of truth” for marketing and advertising decisions? Can they be utilised effectively – and ethically – for personalised marketing? How can our data work well with AI, eCommerce, or multichannel marketing?

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Putting AI To Work: How Retailers Can Find More “Diamonds In the Rough”

Last month, we discovered that artificial intelligence, far from being a threat to retail marketing teams, is, in fact, an essential team player. The early results of using DecaSIM’s AI tools in conjunction with Comosoft LAGO showed that the two systems complement one another, each providing unique benefits for retail advertising and marketing directors.

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