Print Publishing: From automated production of flyers and weekly brochures to the creation of point-of-sale advertising material at the push of a button

Print publishing is all about the automated creation of print products, such as weekly brochures, flyers, catalogues, advertising supplements, but also, for example, point-of-sale advertising material for retailers. Due to long production times, the cooperation of the teams involved must function smoothly at each production step, but above all before the print delivery. In order to guarantee up-to-dateness, article data in print publishing often have to be brought up to date again shortly before printing. This is where the company incurs expenses in terms of resources and sources of error which must be avoided.
LAGO merges the product and image data from its own PIM and DAM system in the production of advertising material and makes it available seamlessly in Adobe InDesign for further design. With our self-developed InDesign print plug-in, we are an absolute pioneer in database publishing. Due to the direct link to the product and image database, we offer your creative team enormous flexibility and a free hand in the design of your print advertising media, as well as security in the correctness of the data. Thanks to dynamic placeholder technology and bi-directional communication, you update information whenever necessary, regardless of the production stage of the print project. This possibility of updating can be a clear competitive advantage, especially in industries with intense price competition – weekly brochures can be updated to the very last status shortly before printing. The LAGO workflows enable you to start production long before all the information is available. In this way, you can plan your projects centrally and are optimally supported in the automated creation of print products.
How can a software like LAGO help you with automated print production?
  • fast data allocation by linking the product database with Adobe InDesign
  • Live, bi-directional link to PIM and DAM systems from the InDesign page (automatic updates)
  • Dynamic placeholders (page planning)
  • Planning and evaluation tools (including business and marketing data)
  • Automated, template-based page creation
  • Import pre-designed “blocks” of product-specific content
  • Automatic generation of complex tables
  • Version management
  • Batch printing and automated export of pages and media to print service providers
LAGO InDesign Plugin - Product data and imagesare seamlessly integrated with Adobe InDesign

The Versioning Dilemma

LAGO also gives print production departments the ability to create multiple versions of a catalog or flyer—easily and cost-effectively. Products specific to a particular region or demographic can be placed automatically in a standard InDesign layout, giving the catalog or flyer professional the ability to design once but repurpose multiple times—to meet the company’s marketing needs.


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    We rely heavily on LAGO from Comosoft for an extremely efficient page creation process. With the seamless integration between soft proofing and production workflow, LAGO’s user interface simply has an advantage over all other providers. We particularly appreciate the configurability, which allows us to tailor everything to our needs. Our customers in the retail industry are constantly expecting greater efficiency – with LAGO, we can deliver it.

    Director of Advertising Technologies, PureRed

    Case Study: PureRED

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